Video update, including video clip and photos from today’s shooting

I’ve been occupied with working on the video this week, so haven’t been able to post.

Here’s an update:

Funding: We have exceeded our goal of $8,000, with $8,215 raised so far. There is still time to contribute — additional funds will be used to develop our communication strategy for the video so we can get it in the hands of everyone who needs to see it. If you can, please contribute. Deadline is tomorrow, Friday, June 27.

Today’s activities. We had an amazing day of shooting today. We began with a flyover of the region. Taking off from Columbus at 6:30, we followed the Stillwater all the way to the Mine, then headed south along the Rosebud, then east along Rock Creek to Red Lodge and then Bridger and the Clark’s Fork. We had beautiful sunshine and no turbulence whatsoever, allowing us to get some wonderful video.

Our pilot’s expert narrative gave us insight into geology and the importance of water to sustaining the region. We’re also considering putting the entire flyover video and narrative online for you to view. I think you’ll find it as exciting as we did.

After returning to Columbus we drove to Red Lodge and went up to the summit of the Cooke City Highway, then back down to Red Lodge, on to Absarokee and back up the Stillwater.

We also completed two interviews.

Tomorrow we’ll be in Bridger and Red Lodge doing interviews and shooting B roll.

We’re grateful for your support, and as a reward, here’s a treat from Lynn Peterson, our videographer — some clips from today’s shooting.

Some still photos from the day, courtesy of our photographer Gage Peterson.

We got up with the sun and headed to the Columbus airport, where we took off for a flyover of the Beartooth Front.
We got up with the sun and headed to the Columbus airport, where we took off for a flyover of the Beartooth Front.
Flying over the Stillwater River
Flying over the Stillwater River
The Hertzler Tailings Pond in Nye
The Hertzler Tailings Ponds in Nye
Natural formation off Nye Road
The Stillwater Complex off Nye Road
Red Lodge from the air
Red Lodge from the air
The Beartooths from the air
Flying into the Beartooths

Cooke City Highway near the summt
Cooke City Highway near the summt

About davidjkatz

The Moses family has lived on the Stillwater River since 1974, when George and Lucile Moses retired and moved to the Beehive from the Twin Cities. They’re gone now, but their four daughters (pictured at left, on the Beehive) and their families continue to spend time there, and have grown to love the area. This blog started as an email chain to keep the family informed about the threat of increased fracking activity in the area, but the desire to inform and get involved led to the creation of this blog.
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5 Responses to Video update, including video clip and photos from today’s shooting

  1. Charles Drimal says:


    Thanks for your great work thus far in keeping folks informed of oil and gas threats on the Beartooth Front. I just watched the short video that you uploaded and heard about water interests. I’m currently engaged in conserving free-flowing rivers of the northern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and would love to meet you in person to share the vision of Montanans for Healthy Rivers. Perhaps we could connect over the phone first? Let me know your availability. Thanks!

    Charles Wolf Drimal

  2. S. Thomas Bond says:

    Vimeo said there was no such video. “Such is the mystery of the internet.”

  3. Pingback: A personal story: Deb Thomas, Beartooth Front, Wyoming | Preserve the Beartooth Front

  4. Pingback: Oil and gas: 10 lessons for 2015 | Preserve the Beartooth Front

  5. Pingback: Oil and gas: 10 lessons for 2015, for Montana, ND, OK, TX, OH, PA & WV

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