Let’s put one of the oil industry’s great lies to rest once and for all: a list of 243 water wells contaminated by drilling activity in Pennsylvania

You’ll find this quote from former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson in pretty much every pro-drilling article ever written:

“I’m not aware of any proven case where the fracking process itself has affected water.”

Pennsylvania contamination1If you’ve followed the EPA’s mishandling of the investigation of water contamination in Pavillion, Wyoming and their retreat from political attack on the matter, you’ll understand her unwillingness to comment. And, if you watch the video, you’ll note that she qualifies her remarks and limits them to “the fracking process itself,” not spills and pit lining leakage and the failure of concrete casings and all the other ways water gets contaminated at well sites.

But it’s good enough for defenders of oil drilling to say that oil drilling is absolutely safe.

If you Google that comment, you’ll see that the quote is the basis of dozens of articles saying drilling doesn’t cause water contamination.

When someone says this to you, look him or her in the eye and say, without fear of contradiction, “This is not true.”

Today we provide conclusive easy-to-use evidence that you can point to. Bookmark this, download it to your hard drive, print it out and keep it handy.

The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection has just released a list of 243 cases of documented water contamination due to conventional and unconventional oil and gas drilling in that state.  According to the document:

The following list identifies cases where DEP determined that a private water supply was impacted by oil and  gas activities. The oil and gas activities referenced in the list below include operations associated with both conventional and unconventional drilling activities that either resulted in a water diminution event or an increase in constituents above background conditions.

Folks, that means contamination.

Pennsylvania contamination2For each of the 243 items on the list, there is a clickable link to the DEP order that defines the nature of the contamination, and how or whether the contamination has been addressed by the oil/gas operator (here’s an example).

You should be reminded also that the Pennsylvania DEP keeps a database on the compliance violations of each operator in the state. If you’ve followed this site, you know that Energy Corporation of America, the company that has promised to “bring the Bakken to the Beartooths,” has been charged with 66 inspections with violations, 90 separate violations, 55 enforcement actions and paid fines of over $80,000 in Pennsylvania alone, and has been cited for 70 more violations in West Virginia. You can see the Pennsylvania report for yourself by clicking here. In the report you’ll see specifically the kinds of violations that lead to water contamination: rips in pit linings, failure to cap wells, failure of cement casings.

Let’s put this all together:

Do these facts scare you? They should.

There is something we can do about it if we act together as a community. Follow this site to find out more.


About davidjkatz

The Moses family has lived on the Stillwater River since 1974, when George and Lucile Moses retired and moved to the Beehive from the Twin Cities. They’re gone now, but their four daughters (pictured at left, on the Beehive) and their families continue to spend time there, and have grown to love the area. This blog started as an email chain to keep the family informed about the threat of increased fracking activity in the area, but the desire to inform and get involved led to the creation of this blog.
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14 Responses to Let’s put one of the oil industry’s great lies to rest once and for all: a list of 243 water wells contaminated by drilling activity in Pennsylvania

  1. I had such hopes that Lisa would be different.. I should have known better.

  2. Arleen Boyd says:

    Nice job ‹ thanks.

    Unpleasant thought for the day The September Scientific American has a brief Know the Jargon piece on page 30. “Induced seismicity: (n) Earthquakes caused by human activities.” It notes the Science magazine research confirming that “underground water disposal by oil and gas companies causes earthquakes.” This is based on research on the “40-fold increase in seismicity” in Oklahoma since 2008. Induced seismicity from Dean to Nye would occur in an area with miles of mine shafts and two enormous impoundments located at two separate sites just above the Stillwater River. The impoundments contain fines and water that, if gravity rules, would overwhelm the river if the impoundments were breached.


    From: Preserve the Beartooth Front Reply-To: Preserve the Beartooth Front Date: Monday, September 1, 2014 11:42 AM To: Arleen Boyd Subject: [New post] Let¹s put one of the oil industry¹s great lies to rest once and for all: a list of 243 water wells contaminated by drilling activity in Pennsylvania

    WordPress.com davidjkatz posted: “You’ll find this quote from former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson in pretty much every pro-drilling article ever written: ³I¹m not aware of any proven case where the fracking process itself has affected water.² If you’ve followed the EPA’s mishandling o”

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